Publication Details
D Billet, D Currie, A Friedman, A Gebruk, L Gerber, K Gjerde, R Grogan, A Jaeckel, D Jones, L Davis-Mattis, N Matz-Lück, T Morato, S Roady, T Thiele, P Weaver, Xiangxin Xu, ‘Fourth Report of the CODE Project: Summary of Stakeholder Comments on the 2018 ISA Draft Regulations’ PEW Charitable Trusts, February 2019
This report summarizes written comments submitted by ISA member States and Stakeholders on the most recent draft of proposed regulations to govern exploitation on the international seabed. The draft [ISBA/24/LTC/WP.1/REV.1] was discussed by the Legal and Technical Commission and the Council of the ISA at its sessions in March and July 2018 [ISBA/24/C/8, ISBA/24/C/20]. At the conclusion of the July session, the Secretary-General and the President of the Council invited ISA members and Stakeholders to submit written comments by 30 September 2018. Forty-two submissions—21 from member States, one from a member State regional group, six from contractors, nine from ISA observer groups, and five from other Stakeholders—were posted on the ISA website on 19 November 2018. Their comments are summarized within.