Fisheries Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea Convention: Rights and Obligations in Maritime Zones under the Sovereignty of Coastal States

Publication Details

M. Tsamenyi and Q. Hanich. Fisheries Jurisdictions under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention: Rights and Obligations in Maritime Zones under the Sovereignty of Coastal States. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. 2012, 27, 783-793.


International fisheries governance contains no specific provisions detailing States’ rights and obligations in respect of fisheries in maritime zones classified as falling under the sovereignty of coastal States, namely: internal waters, archipelagic waters and territorial seas. Using a case-study of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, this article demonstrates that there is still a gap in international fisheries governance relating to fisheries in ‘waters under sovereignty’ which requires remedying, and concludes by providing some possible management options to fill the gap.

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