Ocean Equity Research

About us

Theory of Change

Our research and capacity building program sits at the interface between policy, law, and development studies. We address policy and systemic challenges to achieving equitable outcomes in transboundary ocean governance. Our program develops new analysis, materials and capacity-building initiatives to support the transition of ocean governance from its current model of historical interests controlling the capital of the ocean, to a true ‘commons’ model where equity and sustainability are intrinsically linked, recognising that human systems and ecological systems are part of the same system and influence the health and wellbeing of each other.

Our research studies the interests involved, the international ocean governance processes and systems, and exposes and analyses critical equity concerns, identifying and exploring solutions to re-dress inequity. Our program directly engages with international fora and governments, exposing inequities and promoting solutions. This is then elevated by capacity building and training programs that provide knowledge and skills to developing State governments and stakeholders to strengthen their participation and advocacy for equitable conservation and management. We adopt an integrated research and capacity building methodology as illustrated below.


Integrated research and capacity building that informs and empowers stakeholders and governments to cooperate and collectively promote equitable and sustainable ocean governance frameworks


  • Expose inequities in transboundary ocean governance
  • Identify and communicate equitable pathways for transboundary ocean governance
  • Empower developing State coalitions to determine and advocate for collective interests
  • Re-imagine and transform human-nature relations


Guiding Principles

  • We recognise that human systems and ecological systems are part of the same system and influence the health and wellbeing of each other
  • Equity is a process, includes history and future
  • Focus on collective and inter-generational interests
  • Fieldwork is integral to good research: engage with stakeholders, decision-makers and fora
  • Empower participation, legitimacy, self-determination, knowledge and capacity
  • Recognise multiple pathways
  • Our role: academic freedom to speak, supported by analytical rigour and transparency
  • Our approach: listen, respect, inclusion, diversity
  • Our behaviour: self-reflection, positionality, constructive and collegial

Transboundary Ocean Governance